
There is something about Friday. It's so hard for me to get motivated, but at the same time I am so happy that the weekend is here...it's a strange feeling, that's for sure. Fridays at my job are always one of two things-either they are completely easy and i don't have a lot to do or they are so jam-packed I don't know how I will ever get everything done that needs to be done. It's only 9:15, so i'm not sure how this one is going to turn out yet. So far things have been pretty slow...so that could be a good sign :)

I am fighting my first cold of the season. I do not like being sick at all, but I guess that's just what happens when you're up too late and you spend an entire weekend in the woods, even if you are inside. The weekend was worth it, though, just as being up late at night to spend time with Tim is worth it. Someone told me to take an insane amount of Vitamin C so I tried that this morning--we'll see what that much Vitamin C does to the stomach lining of a person. :) Should be interesting...

Can you tell I'm having a hard time forming complete sentences? we'll see what the combo of cold medicine and vitamin C do to a person...

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