
The One Where I Remember I Have A Blog...

...and actually update it.

April was...a month. 

A crazy month. 
A busy month. 
A month of highs and lows.
A month of friendships and family.
A month of growing closer to my husband.
A month of appreciating the little things.
A month of finding peace.
A month of prayer.
A month of trust.
A month of obedience.
A month of love.
A month of laughter.
A month of celebration.
A month of tears.
A month of adventure.
A month of new friends.
A month of renewed faith.

In short, April was a month of life.  It was not perfect, but it was life.  There were really really happy days and some sad days, too.  There was a fabulous weekend with my mom in Indianapolis for the Race for the Cure, which is always one of my favorite weekends.  I love spending time with my mom, laughing and just being in her presence.  There was a much-needed weekend as a guest for Women of Faith in Las Vegas.  Time with me and God, and me and some new friends, and me and my thoughts.  It came at a time when it was most needed, and God is faithful.  He showed up.  And He reminded me that I AM HIS, the love of His life and the passion of His heart.  We celebrated Tim's grandparent's 64th wedding anniversary, and it made me excited to think about hitting those milestones with my own husband.  Cameron and I had birthdays.  Easter at SOCC was better than I think it had ever been (at least in the 13+ years I've been here).  I was challenged to trust God more than I ever have, and I stepped up to the challenge the best I could.  Oh, and my never-ending class finally ended.  FINALLY.

I didn't blog.  Not because there was nothing to say, but because I was so busy experiencing life that I didn't have the time, patience or inclination to sit down every night and write about it.  But, I missed blogging. I know we're already 10 days into May, but I will try and do better this month.  I am learning that I don't need to put everything out there into the great big world, but I still do have something to say.

I started writing again - a book on being normal and being extraordinary at the same time.  Then April happened and I got busy.  I will pull that out and write some more now that life is slowing to a still busy but overall normal pace.

How about you?  What was your April like? 

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