
The Dream Giver

During our staff devotion yesterday we talked about the book "The Dream Giver" by the Bruce Wilkinson. Then we were given two quotes to ponder as we thought about what the Big Dream that God-The Dream Giver-has given each of us is and how we are pursuing it. Here are the quotes:

"The Place where God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet." -Frederick Buechner

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive." -Gil Bailie

So of course, the question now is where is my Big Dream? Where does my deep gladness pour from? What makes me come alive and feel, just feel all of the emotions and thoughts and senses possible?

What scares me the most is that I'm not sure anymore. I don't know that I've ever really let myself explore the possibilities of my dreams. I mean, sure, there were those things from my childhood--the First Woman President of the Moon, a paleontologist, a doctor, a teacher--but as I've grown, I am no longer sure what I long for and what really makes me come alive. Is it writing? I love to write. Or at least I love to say that I love to write, but it is not often I actually sit down and put the proverbial pen to paper. Why is that? Part of it is fear. I'm afraid of failing at my dream to write, but I am more afraid of succeeding in some ways. Isn't that pathetic? Why is it that success scares us?

There are a few people in my life that I absolutely adore. Today I want to talk about Liz. She is one of my best friends and probably the best friendship that came out of my college years. She is intelligent, beautiful, and so many things that make me realize just how lucky I am to have her for a friend. The thing that impresses me most day after day with Liz though is her passion. I hope to live my life with that kind of passion, but know I fail everyday. She knows what her Big Dream is. She knows what she wants to do with her life and even though she is not doing it right now, she knows that it is there. It almost consumes her thoughts and her life, but in a good way. God never lets it stray far from her daily routine, as if He is saying "Don't forget this. Don't give up on this. I created you for THIS." She wants to work in worship somehow...singing, working with worship together, writing a song/devotional...doing something to let the world know that her God is the most amazing thing in her life. When I think of worship, I see her face. She has held on to her Big Dream even though she doesn't know when she will actually realize it. That is dedication to the Dream Giver and his Dream. I know her well and know that her fear of failure and fear of success run along the same path as mine. I know together, we will realize our Dream and live the life that the Dream Giver has planned for us.

In closing, I leave you with these song lyrics. May they inspire you to live the Dream every moment...

"Hard as it seems
Standing in dreams
Where is the dreamer now

Wonder if I
Wanted to try
Would I remember how

I don't know the way to go from here
But I know that I have made my choice

And this is where I stand
Until He moves me on
And I will listen to His voice

This the faith
Patience to wait
When there is nothing clear
Nothing to see

Still we believe
Jesus is very near
I can not imagine what will come
But I've already made my choice

And this is where I stand
Until He moves me on
And I will listen to His voice

Could it be that He is only waiting there to see
If I will learn to love the dreams that He has dreamed for me

Can't imagine what the future holds
But I've already made my choice
And this is where I stand
Until He moves me on

And I will listen to His voice"
~Twila Paris~

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