
Thoughts for Friday Afternoon...
(From Relevant) "Who are you? What is it that you consistently love, dream of, and perhaps even pursue on some level or another withouth even maybe realizing that it might be the definitive calling on your life? Life is too short, so do what you love--and, more importantly, do it for God, who you should love even more...Begin right where you are. Don't wait for life to get better, more convenient, ideal or anything else of the sort. That wouldn't require faith. That would require change and change won't come without even the most basic of faith being put into action."

If this is so true, then why is it so hard? People talk all the time about finding their passion, and I've struggled with it for so long! what is it that's I'm passionate about? What makes me pulse quicken and my heart beat? What makes me ready to change the world and willing to do just that? What makes me believe when it would be easier to doubt? What makes me fired up? My writing? My job? My friendships? My faith? I don't know, but I'm asking for the answer and I know it will be out there...and then I will know passion and I will know faith and I will know action.

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