

I've been reading, thinking, hearing about a lot of big things lately. There was a funeral at my church today for a nine year old whose life was tragically cut short. That's huge. For those of you that follow Stellan's story, he's back in the hospital and still very sick. People I know are fighting cancer, going through relationship issues and dealing with the impossible every day.

I know people who have lost their jobs, lost their spouses, lost their place in the world. I have spent hours reading the stories of parents who can do nothing but sit by as their child fights for their very life. I know people who don't know why their child is sick and what he is fighting. People are being killed in N. Korea simply for being Christians. These are really big things.

In light of all that, my momentary issues - getting used to Madison, not feeling the best, missing my family, feeling just out of sorts, seem so insignificant. I worry about the health of my family. I worry that every different little thing with Madison means something is really wrong with her. I am tired of feeling sick. All those things are big to me, but pretty small in lieu of the rest of the world.

Sometimes it's all about perspective.
My life is small. My troubles are momentary. My life is blessed.

There is a lot of pain in the world. A lot of uncertainty, hurt and sadness. There is a lot of wonder and disillusionment. But it's all about perspective, right?

In the scheme of things - it's just a blink in the eye of a Creator who knows more and sees more and understands the significance behind our limited perspective.

1 comment:

  1. eric "the great one"7:23 PM

    love this post. i always have enjoyed reading things you write. i just found this blog . . . you better watch what you say because i am now monitoring it!!
