Today is the first day of spring. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Seriously. The long winter that we just experienced is finally over. It seems like it's been going on forever and a day, and it feels good to know that the days are getting longer, the sun will be out more, and the temperature may actually get into something higher than 40 for more than just a day! So, let me say it again, Hallelujah!
This week is one of those weeks - not a bad week, just a busy week. It's Easter, which means everything is a little crazy around the church. I know that I can get overwhelmed with the schedules and the busyness, but I got a wonderful email from a great friend that put it all in perspective. Here's what she said...
"The investment of time and energy into volunteers now would pay off later! In the meantime, don't be annoyed that it is Easter! :) (Easier said than done, I know. But it IS the best part of life! The whole reason we have faith! The whole reason Tim even has that job!) Maybe try to view all of the Easter business and work as fragrant offerings to God?"
I've read her email a few times this week. And while I'm not saying I haven't been annoyed (I have, just ask my husband) and I haven't been dealt a handful of frustrating circumstances, I am excited that it's Easter. I am reminded of the promise and the love that God has for me, even when I'm not the best person, not in the best mood, or just plain annoyed!
The weekend is just going to keep getting busier - so my prayer is this - that all of it is a fragrant offering to God - and that He sees my heart through the mess!