It's amazing how busy life has become. It's even taking me forever to get these posts done!
Ah is part 2: Wedding Morning!
I was surprised that I managed to sleep at all the night before the wedding. I usually have a hard time falling asleep before any 'big' event, and our wedding was the biggest event in my little life! However, I did manage to get about five hours of sleep that night, which was a lot, in my opinion. I woke up about 5:00am with a million thoughts going through my we have a cake knife, did we put 'reserved' on the reserved tables, would everyone really show up...
I laid in bed staring at my mom until she woke up, too. We chatted for a few minutes and I was already getting giddy. The girls had started their hair appointments at 8:00am. I frantically ran around my apartment trying to tie up loose ends, make sure the honeymoon stuff was packed, and get ready to go. I almost managed to leave the house without the tiara or veil, but I remembered them both at the last minute. leaving mom, harry, and cameron at home to finish getting ready and cleaning up, I called the girls, stopped to pick us all up some breakfast, and headed to the salon. Rene's hair was done and Shanna was working on Liz when I got there. Jenny was still at the apartment getting ready. They already looked so beautiful! I got weepy a couple times; the emotion of the day finally catching up with me. Part of it felt so surreal and part of it felt so long time in coming. I can honestly say I've never been so excited!
I sat down the in the chair and Shanna started curling my hair. We had done one run-through, so I knew kind of what it would look like, but as she started doing the curls, I felt a little transformation take place. With each curl, i felt more beautiful, more alive, and more like a bride. As she did the final curls and fitted the tiara into my hair, I just stared at myself. I knew Tim would love what he saw, because I loved it. She showed the girls where to fit the veil and we were off to the church. Doing our hair took a lot longer than i thought, so we were pushing it time-wise. The photographer would be there soon to start the pictures.
We went into the church and then into the bridal room. All the while I kept thinking to myself--I can't believe this day is finally here!
We unloaded all our stuff and set up shop in the bridal room. with the help of my bridesmaids, my hair and makeup looked perfect. we were told the photographer would be ready for us soon. We took our places, and the girls helped me into my dress. As Liz zipped me up, I turned and looked at myself. This was it. This was the moment.
I remember what everyone who saw me looked like when they laid eyes on Emily the bride. I felt so beautiful, so pure, and so ready. As I walked into the church to take the pictures with my family and the girls, i couldn't help but cry a little. The tears came, the joy came. I knew this was going to be the best day of my life.
Our photographer was simply amazing. he was fast, the pictures came out wonderful, and i think he did a great job of capturing every moment and feeling of the day.
After our pictures, we were ushered back into the bridal room. It wouldn't be long before the wedding would start!
speaking of pictures....