
Where I've Been

Since the last post, there have been some things happening. Tim has been to Europe (and back!). My co-worker, Audrey, whom I work with the closest, has decided to retire at the end of July. They're looking for someone to replace her. That leaves four, yes count them, four open positions at the church right now - Business Manager, Worship Minister, Adult Ed Minister, and Media/Worship Assistant. Wow. Things are changing a lot around here.

I went home for a long weekend last week, which is one of the reasons for the lack of posts...the computer at home is a wee bit slow and hard to deal with most of the time. I don't know if I could ever do the dial-up connection thing again. They just make me crazy. Anyway, it was really good to be home. Mom took Thursday and Friday off, as well, so we got to hang out a lot, go shopping, play games, and do all that fun stuff that we always do together. We also went to see Star Wars Episode III. It was the best of the 'new three,' that's for sure. A little more story, a little less cheesy dialogue, and answered most of my questions about what happened before "Star Wars." Not that I really had any burning questions, but anyway. Watching the transformation to evil was interesting. There was something sinister about everything, but at the end you felt-satisfied-because everything came full circle.

Tim is back. I'm so glad. It sounds like he had a great trip, and that also makes me glad. They saw a lot, did a lot, and came back alive and happy. I'm glad he went, I'm glad he did it, but I'm glad there are no more big trips on the horizon right now. I kinda like having him around. I don't know how people like Meagan do it--the person they love being gone all the time. I guess it's just something you get used to, but I don't ever really WANT to get used to it. Hopefully I never will. I cried more than I should have on the way back from dropping him off at the airport, but I have to admit he was right - it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Don't get me wrong, it still sucked, but it went fast.

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