
Why I Blog...Still...

When I first started blogging, a lot of people blogged.  A lot of my friends started blogs (in fact, I only started writing at the urging of a friend), and it was a fun way to keep in contact with friends as they spread around the state and the country.  As the years have gone by, many of my friends have stopped blogging completely, or blog so sporadically that you have to be lucky to find a new post.  And, while I don't blog as often as I could, or as often as I should, I still haven't stopped writing.

Technology and ways to communicate have changed a lot since I started blogging.  Facebook and twitter are primary means of communication for most people, and I will admit that I use them a lot. But, they are brief glimpses into a moment, and they still haven't taken the place of blogging for me.  I feel like I need more than 420 or 140 characters to truly express myself.  So, I continue to blog when so many people have stopped blogging, and continue to enjoy it when others have decided to switch to other means of social communication.

While I don't blog nearly as much as I would like to these days (my blogging every day thing didn't last too long), I still think of things to blog about almost every single day!  I have to walk a fine line between sharing too much and not sharing enough on here...even though part of me just wants to share it all!  I also think I maintain a little more privacy here, honestly.  Even though I post links to this blog on Facebook and Twitter, very few people read them, and I'm okay with that.  While I would love to have a big following sometimes, the truth is...my life just isn't that exciting most of the time.

I am a writer, and while Facebook and Twitter are fun, Blogging is where I can write.  It is where I can tell my story, share my story, and invite others to live part of my story.  I know a lot of things have changed since I first started this blog, I don't see myself ever leaving it behind completely.  There is too much life contained in these archives and in these pages.

So, I blog because I want to.  It makes me happy and it helps me sort out my feelings and my struggles and my successes.  And, that's enough of a reason for me!


  1. I am one that has left blogging behind...I am glad you continue to write. I enjoy a little look into your world and your Emilyness :)

  2. Thanks for sharing Emily. The great thing about blogging is that you don't have to do it everyday. And I agree, you can't fully express yourself in a Twitter or Facebook post but they are fun to use. I'm happy that you have connected with friends through your blogs and although they don't use it that much everyone, at some point, got good use out of them. I launched www.whyiblog.com for bloggers to share their stories and read what others have to say. Since you've been a blogger for some time now I would love to hear what you even have to say. Even if you don't blog as often as you would like, stay with it!

  3. I started blogging in 2003. At that time it was the latest trend, the first encarnation of the so-called web 2.0. It was before Facebook and MySpace. I remember that most people had a blog and used it to get new friends. A friend of mine also found her current husband thanks to her blog!
    There shouldn't have a particular reason for bloggin. It was before blogs were used for marketing purpose. People used to post their thoughts, their daily routine (just like we do now with the social networks), most people used to do it anonymously. That was really "powerful", because your blog was the place where to say whatever you wanted (which you could not do in real life or if you used your real name) and get valuable suggestions and comments from people who didn't know you for real, but only virtually. It was some kind of relief from your daily problems.
    Everything changed now. Nobody cares anymore about your personal stuff in a blog, they can find it in Facebook, what people is looking for in blogs is something different. And it's not even easy to understand what this "different" means. The result is less comments and readers.
    But who cares?
    I still have a blog now (not the same of 2003, which is private and I don't update it since ages), I still talk about what I like on it, but since it's not anonymous I had to change the subjects and get less personal.
    Greetings from Italy :)
