

Sometimes, when I don't know what to write or how to start a blog, I do this:


It doesn't mean anything, but it gets rid of that blank page staring at me - which is kind of helpful.  I usually delete it and then write a real post, but sometimes, like tonight, I just want to leave it there.  There isn't a lot else for me to say today.  It was a busy day.  I got up early and went to a seminar in Indianapolis - which means I had to get up at 5ish...which is really early for me.  Couple that with the fact that I don't sleep well when I'm worried about oversleeping, and I am almost too tired to write anything of any importance tonight.

I will say this, though.  It was extremely cold this morning.  I am SOOO ready for spring.  There are way too many days between now and when we go on vacation in June.  I wish now, more than ever, that we were heading to Florida to watch the shuttle launch in a couple weeks.  Ah well, more time for me to lose weight and get in good shape!

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